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Connective Tissue Elbow (Right)

R Olecranon Bursa

The olecranon is the pointy bone at the tip of the elbow.  The bursa is the thin sac of fluid that lies between this boney tip and the skin.  It helps the skin slide over the bone smoothly. Normally, this sac has only a tiny bit of fluid inside of it and lays flat;


R Posterior Radiocollateral Ligament

This is a ligament in the elbow on the side of the radius;


R Anterior Radiocollateral Ligament

This is a ligament in the elbow on the side of the radius;


R Annular Ligament

This is a strong band of fibers that encircles the head of the radius, and retains it in contact with the radial notch of the ulna;


R Oblique Cord

This is a ligament between the ulnar and radius bones in the lower arm near the elbow. It takes the form of a small, flattened band, extending downward and lateralward, from the lateral side of the ulnar tuberosityat the base of the coronoid process to the radius a little below the radial tuberosity. Its fibers run in the opposite direction to those of the Interosseous membrane of the forearm;


R Elbow Capsule

The joint capsule of the elbow surrounds the joint to provide strength and lubrication to the elbow;


R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Anterior

This is a thick triangular band at the medial aspect of the elbow uniting the distal aspect of the humerus to the proximal aspect of the ulna;


R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Intermediate

This is a thick triangular band at the medial aspect of the elbow uniting the distal aspect of the humerus to the proximal aspect of the ulna;


R Ulnar Collateral Ligament Posterior

The posterior portion of the ulnar collateral ligament, which arises from the posterior surface of the medial epicondyle, is taut in maximal flexion;